母がフィリピン人、父が韓国人、日本生まれ日本育ちのLUI BRAND(ルイブランド)。
2016年6月にはコンピレーションアルバム、メジャーの作品My Angelという曲で参加。
NEWアーティストして存在を知らしめた。 2018年春に”髪の色トーンダウン”という曲の中毒性にやられる人達が続出し美容師達の間で話題になり、Tik Tokなどで多くの著名人達に楽曲を使われている。
さらにワンマンライブの先行チケットも150枚もSOLD OUT!!大阪のSUNHALLで満員御礼、見事大成功に収めた!
LUI BRAND has grown up in the very unique family in Osaka. His mother is Filipina and father is Korean.
You can not imagine that LUI BRAND has such a high clear voice and His fans are attracted by that.
His debut album was call “ My Angel” in 2016 June and he defiantly made huge impact to music industry.
In 2018 Spring, he has released a song call “Kaminoiro Tone Down” which made so many hair artists,
famous artists and Tick Tok users to get almost addicted to his dance and song.
He performed his own live music event in SUNHALL in Osaka and sold out all 150 tickets and made his
fans go crazy and the live was very successful.
Right now, he is trying to bring in new style music such as Afro Beats and doing corroboration with dancers to make attractive music videos to show his growth.